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Friday 19 November 2010

Majikko news etc

Hey gals! I just want to thanks everyone who reads this- i dont have many followers but i've had numerous formsprings about updating my blog more regularly and that they enjoy reading it- which is really nice to hear ^^!

First off I updated the majikko site- and changed the photo's of members to only includethe members at the moment

(i know some members wern't happy with the photos and i appologised and i'll make a new one with new photos of everyone ASAP >.<)

Theres alse been a few secrets about members lately- but i dont care what anyone thinks, Majikko is a great circle, we all get along and its so much fun- we have a reall diverse collection of members and everyone is really happy and interesting!


We've got a few meets coming up- the big new years meet where alot of UK gyaru are attending, and also chirstmas sales shopping! Should be tons of fun! xx
Love soy xxx

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Its been ages!+ XMAS LIST

I havn't posted in ages- deadlines are approaching and i've been totally bogged down in work work work! D:
I hope to upload some new outfit posts of me and makeup soon-
I thought i'd post my christmas wish list
- New wigs!- i've givven up on styling my hair now, it really doesn't do what its told- i'd like a longggg blond one, and a long brown one, aswell as maybe a bob cut one

- contact lenses, hopefully the 'honey wing' and geo....somthing blue ones (Mmmmm blue eyes)

-some pretty glasses, so i can pretend to be intellient ( plus with the bob wig, it'll be adorable!)

- cute jewelry, i just dont have any!

- nails, nails, nails, nails

- a new laptop- my computer is shittttttttt.

- an usamimi headband ^^

- deco goods :3 for my phone, music player etc

obviously i wont get all of this but i like to dream!

sorry it was a bit of a boring post

Soy xx

Wednesday 20 October 2010

My gyaru makeup tutorial

Hope it helps!

Mini gal meetup in Oxford

Just got back from Oxford- i went with My VERY close friend Elliot to see a band ( The cat empire) so thought i'd drag him along to a meal with Majikko members, Erin(Plus her partner), Jou and Mayumi. I also met Isabelle and her partner , it was lovely!
we ate noodles, Mmmm! And then we stayed at Jou's and drunk too much wine. haha- oh and tested my TERRIBLE Japanese to her boyfriend on skype ( though he said I was good, pahahah)
Here are a few photos!

Theres more on the Majikko website+ On facebook

Soy xx

Monday 11 October 2010


I just bought the worlds stupidest, yet most wonderful jumper. I actually looked like a fucking crazy bitch- laughing to myself in a shop, then laughing in the changing rooms. like, i got some wierd looks.
It makes me so happy to wear. i just looked down and start grinning
Impulse buying= downfall of mankind.

ITS A SMILY HEART. PAHAHAHAHAHA. they dont smile really! They're organs

Soy xxx